Special assignments – just call us :

We won’t leave you in the lurch even though things don’t always go as planned. We have a big team of highly experienced and hard-working cargo handling professionals and a versatile machine and equipment stock. You’ll have these resources available for all kinds of assignments you may give to us. Please, ask us!

A few examples of the special and value-added services we can offer:
• Re-packaging
• Disinfection services for feed logistics
• Scrubbing and disinfection of cargo holds
• Sampling services
• Acid treatment
• Outsourcing services, e.g. for the handling of bulk goods and fuels
• Weighing
• Screening
• Air cargo projects

Bagging Service: Big bags or small bags?;

Cost efficient logistics and excellent customer service often require customizing and packing of products in accordance with the user’s needs. A bag is a proper choice in that case when there is need to have bulk batches in the most optimal form with regard to the end-user’s activities. What kind of bagging service do you need?

Bulking: From bags to bulk;

Bulking i.e. emptying of bulk bags or small bags into bulk goods and loading again into a pressure tank truck is one of the best know fields of FFI Logistics special expertise. We have unique and effective equipment developed specially for bulking, to ensure the proper handling of products without compromising hygiene and occupational safety. By bulking, we can guarantee our customers both excellent customer service and efficient logistics. Batches of bags imported in bigger batches in a ship or in a container, can be delivered as bulk cargos to the end users rapidly and with the highest possible quality.


Our Address
113 A Fife Avenue Cnr 3rd Street , Harare

Call Us

Cell Number :
+263 772 592 418

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Unbeatable Trucking and Transport Services

Our operational excellence provides the foundation for the integrated logistics solutions that we offer to our customers. The team of skilled professionals constantly monitors operational performance by maintaining a PDCA (Plan / Do / Check / Action) cycle for continuous improvements. We focus on the development of highly advanced logistics technology and the global training of personnel. By providing in-depth analyses of the transportation environment and of various other technical services, our mission is to add critical value to our logistics solutions. Our strong competetiveness relies on our proven track record of high quality operations, a tradition maintained throughout our growing global network.